​Prolotherapy, also known as nonsurgical ligament reconstruction, is an injection based medical treatment for the repair of torn or weak tendons and ligaments and for the relief of chronic pain.

“Prolo” is short for proliferation, because the treatment causes the proliferation (growth, formation) of new connective tissue in areas where it has become weak. Many elite human athletes use prolotherapy to strengthen their weak ligamentous tissues to prevent against future tears and injury. Clinical results using prolotherapy in dogs and cats appear to indicate the same response. Prolotherapy can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other therapies and rehabilitation exercises depending on the condition. Most pets experience a significantly improved mobility and a reduction in pain, leading to a better quality of life.
Prolotherapy is effective for many different types of chronic musculoskeletal pain including: chronic osteoarthritis, intervertebral disk disease, chronic back and neck pain, degenerative joint disease, strengthen weak tendon and ligaments and repair torn joint ligaments, particularly the cranial cruciate ligament. Prolotherapy is not a substitute for surgery as not all animals are candidates for this type of medical procedure, in particular large-giant breeds (greater than 85 lbs), young, active dogs with cranial cruciate tears where exercise restriction is a concern, those that are obese or overweight and in those with bilateral cranial cruciate rupture. Each pet is evaluated on an individual case by case basis, and an examination is required to determine if prolotherapy is an appropriate therapy for your pet.
How does prolotherapy work?
Prolotherapy involves the injection of a solution, generally containing dextrose or other natural compounds, into damaged or torn ligaments and into the joints. The solution stimulates the body’s natural healing process by causing a controlled inflammatory response, which promotes the growth of new collagen and strengthens the surrounding supportive tissues. Regenerative injection therapy (RIT) using platelet rich plasma (PRP) as well as intraarticular ozone (prolozone) may also be included in prolotherapy protocols particularly in severe cases. Prolotherapy treatments can be uncomfortable and many animals require sedation to perform it. The use of a short acting, reversible sedation is often used in these cases. Post-procedure pain is variable, and if pain is significant, a pain medication analgesic may be prescribed. No anti-inflammatory drugs can be given as it interferes with treatment response. Unlike surgery, prolotherapy treatments can be performed in a veterinarian’s office on an outpatient basis.
If you are interested in prolotherapy, it is important to consult with a veterinarian who is trained and experienced in this modality. Proper application of prolotherapy technique requires a thorough knowledge of anatomy in order to avoid trauma to the joint and surrounding tissues. Prolotherapy is especially beneficial and can prevent early euthanasia in animals where surgery can’t be performed due to old age or the presence of other disease conditions. Prolotherapy decreases the need for chronic lifelong pain medications, prevents early euthanasia and improves the quality of life of the animals treated.